From QBI platform, you can manage and share all your contracts and documents. Speed up your deals, track users, and file activity with secure virtual data rooms.
BOOK A FREE DEMOEvery single action that takes place in the data room is stored. Manage and track all the activity related to files; uploads, previews, downloads…
Get full visibility on the number of files by project and company at one glance.
All the documents can be tagged and summarized. Dates, prices, terms, risks, amounts, guaranteed values…
If you are selling your solar asset, QBI becomes your secure VDR for all the related stakeholders. Grant access to your external advisors or potential buyers with our multi-role security level and forget about duplicating information in different cloud storage accounts, updating missing documents… Get full visibility of which files are available. Track when and by whom, files have been viewed, uploaded, or downloaded. Speed up your deals with QBI.
Grant access to your stakeholders to the QBI platform, so they can upload documentation for you. For example, make available all the “as-built” documents and “site manuals” to the O&M contractor, or all the “energy invoices” to the auditors without duplicating files in different folders that are not updated anymore, and with total control of the security based on roles.