| by QBI Solutions

Data Solutions: Tips to make renewables assets competitive

Solar, wind, and other renewable energy sources offer great opportunities in the energy generation industry despite their sometimes unpredictable nature. Maintaining a balance between demand and supply for power consumers can be eased for utilities with the right software. To compound this challenge, governments are creating policies that compel energy providers to add more renewables in their systems.

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| by QBI Solutions

This is How Energy Data Quality Drives Accuracy in Power Industry

As a recent report by the IEA shows, the global share of renewables in energy maintains a significant growth pace. Between 2019 and 2020, there was a rise from 26% to 28%. Despite this increment driven among other factors by cost competitiveness against other sources of energy, the unpredictable nature of renewables remains a serious drawback for the profitability of projects. Alternative energy is not like conventional fossil fuels that allow for absolute predictability during generation. Dependence of these sources on weather makes them volatile.

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| by QBI Solutions

Big Data for Energy Management and Energy Efficiency

Energy is the driver of human development: from the original provision of heat and light for the first human beings to the enablement of our cutting-edge transportation, manufacturing, computing and communication devices. While energy is instrumental in our lives, it poses serious concerns about the impact of its growing demand both in our environment and our economy. 

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